Adventures in software development

The journey begins

December 17, 2019

I’ve been a software developer for over ten years now, primarily in the .net space.
I started working with Winforms and ASP.NET Webforms, then ASP.NET MVC, and now have ended up at .NET WebApi with various front-end framworks (Knockoutjs, vanilla js/css/html, and of course ReactJs).

But where is the specialization???!?!?

As the projects I have worked on over the years have grown in complexity, I have started to find love in the distributed systems space, and on top of that designing kick-ass microservices. There’s something magical when it all goes well, and yet can be a bottomless pit of despair when it doesn’t!

I enjoy being a full-stack developer who prides himself on fully owning the services I am responsible for. I like to define business metrics and system metrics to ensure that everything is running smoothly, and to be a rock for my team.

I’m looking forward to taking a deep-dive into distributed systems and advancing my craft in that space.

Matthew Biddle

My name's Matthew Biddle, a senior software developer who works in NYC and decided to chronicle his software development career adventures.